FIF Event at AWS

FIF is excited to announce our next live event, to be hosted by AWS on Tuesday April 8. After opening remarks from AWS, there will be two panels. The first panel will be New SEC Leadership and Regulatory Implementations for 2025 and Beyond. The panelists will be Susan Crozier (Global Head of Regulatory Compliance and Industry Affairs, Securities Processing, FIS), Adrian Griffiths (Head of Market Structure, MEMX), Jonah Platt (Managing Director, US Head of Government & Regulatory Policy, Citadel) and Krista Ryan (Deputy General Counsel, Fidelity). This panel will cover the following topics: extended-hours trading; changes to round lot sizes; odd lots on the tape; access fees and minimum pricing increments; CAT PII and Electronic Blue Sheets; SLATE; short position reporting; Rule 605 amendments; FINRA Rule 6470 (OTC routing reports); fractional shares on the tape; Treasury clearing; TRACE and RTS one-minute reporting and manual trade indicator; and options margin for intra-day trading activity.

The second panel will be Technology Developments in Capital Markets. The panelists will be Andrew Oppenheimer (Head of Business Development, Nasdaq), Shawn Sloves (CEO, Fundamental Interactions), David Taylor (CEO, Exegy), and a representative from AWS. The panel will be moderated by Tom Jordan (CEO, Jordan & Jordan) and cover the following topics: 24-hour trading; volume/capacity/latency; digital/crypto assets; market data in cloud or hybrid; fractional share reporting; and security requirements.

The event will take place at the offices of AWS at 12 West 39th Street, New York, NY. Registration and networking begins at 4:15 pm ET. The panel discussions will be from 5-6:30 pm ET, with refreshments and networking afterwards from 6:30-8 pm ET. FIF would like to thank AWS for hosting this event. The event is limited to FIF Members and Veteran guests of the Veterans in Financial Markets (VFM). FIF Members can register for free here.

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