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  • FIF Meets with SEC Chair Gensler on SEC Rule 605 Rule Proposal; Next Rule 605 Working Group Call

FIF Meets with SEC Chair Gensler on SEC Rule 605 Rule Proposal; Next Rule 605 Working Group Call

On January 25, FIF and FIF members participated on a call with Gary Gensler (SEC Chair), Sai Rao (Policy Counsel to Chair Gensler) and Haoxiang Zhu (Director of the SEC’s Division of Trading and Markets) to discuss the FIF comment letters on the SEC’s rule proposal to modernize Rule 605. This meeting was requested by Chair Gensler. At Chair Gensler’s request, FIF will be participating on a follow-up call with Dr. Zhu and Jessica Wachter (SEC Chief Economist and Director of the SEC’s Division of Economic Risk and Analysis) on January 29. FIF has scheduled a call for the Rule 605 Working Group for Wednesday January 31 at 12 noon ET to update the Working Group on the SEC calls and discuss any next steps.

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