Management Team

Howard Meyerson, Managing Director

Howard Meyerson is the Managing Director of FIF.  As Managing Director, Howard is responsible for the management and oversight of all operational and content-driven activities, including leading several content-based working groups and subgroups.  In this role, he works directly with industry stakeholders and regulators to develop and advocate for practical solutions to implementation issues relating to SEC Rule 613 (Consolidated Audit Trail), SEC Rule 606 (disclosure of order routing information), SEC Rule 605 (disclosure of order execution information), TRF (trade reporting for equities), TRACE (trade reporting for corporate, muni, agency and Treasury bonds), Electronic Blue Sheets, SEC Rule 13h-1 (large trader reporting), Reg SHO, Reg ATS, Reg NMS and other current and proposed regulations.  Prior to FIF, Howard was General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Liquidnet. During his time at Liquidnet, Howard managed legal, regulatory and compliance for the introduction and operation of the Liquidnet trading system in 46 countries on 6 continents.  Prior to Liquidnet, Howard worked at the Morgan Lewis law firm where he handled transactional, compliance and regulatory matters for broker-dealers, alternative trading systems, exchanges, investment advisors, hedge funds, swaps and derivatives dealers, CTFC registrants and other firms in the financial services industry.  Howard has a B.A. from Columbia College and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.  He also has a Certificate in Analysis and Design of Information Systems from the Columbia University Computer Technology and Applications Program.

W. Leo McBlain, Chairman

Leo serves as the Chairman for the Financial Information Forum, having retired as a Vice President for ADP Brokerage Services Group. Mr. McBlain was responsible for guiding ADP’s activities relative to new regulatory requirements and industry initiatives. As FIF’s Chairman, Leo has represented the Forum at SEC hearings, most recently regarding Regulation NMS. Mr. McBlain was active in founding the FIF in 1996. Mr. McBlain has over thirty years experience with computer and communications technology in the brokerage industry.

Thomas J. Jordan, Advisory Committee Chair

Tom is the Advisory Committee Chair of the Financial Information Forum and is also the President and CEO of Jordan & Jordan. FIF Program Office support is provided by Jordan & Jordan, a professional services firm specializing in the financial information services industry since 1990. Mr. Jordan was the Managing Director of Knight-Ridder Financial/Americas from 1985 to 1990. He was also the Chairman of Monchik-Weber, a consulting and product development firm. Mr. Jordan also held various management positions at IBM both on the technical and the marketing side of the business.

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