FIF Overview & Informational Session Re: MiFID II: June 6th, 2017

FIF will be hosting an informational session on the impact of MiFID II to U.S. Broker-Dealers, presented by Matt Coupe of Barclays on Tuesday, June 6th at 10:00 AM ET.  For more information, please contact the program office at

POSTED Jun 05,2017

FIF Overview & Informational Session Re: MiFID II, June 6th, 2017

Just a reminder, we will be distributing Outlook invites this week to all interested FIF members who wish to join a session on Tuesday, June 6th at 10:00 AM ET.  Matt Coupe, from Barclays in London and an involved member of the EMEA and Global FIX Trading Community, will be providing a MiFID II overview including background, overall challenges, effects on the industry, workflow, reporting, reference and market data developments, particularly as related to US broker dealers and investment managers.  Matt has been closely involved with the implementation of MiFID II in Europe and its effects in other regions, including participation in the various FIX and industry committees and working groups addressing the initiative.

If you are a FIF member and interested in attending, please notify the Program Office at

POSTED May 30,2017

Thesys Releases Plan Participant Tech Specs

Thesys, the CAT Plan Processor has released the CAT Participant Technical Specifications, if you have not reviewed them as of yet, find them here.  FIF will review the spec during the next working group meeting and respond to the Plan Processor/Operating Committee as necessary.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the program office at

POSTED May 30,2017

SROs Release CAT Retirement Plans

The SROs have recently released their retirement plans related to the sunsetting of duplicative reporting mechanisms.   FIF has created an Abridged Summary of Participants Retirement Plans for your convenience.  FIF is currently in the process of drafting comment letters to FINRA and the SROs, which will be reviewed during the next CAT working group meeting. If you require any additional assistance or clarification into these matters feel free to email us at or join our CAT Working Group calls. 

POSTED May 30,2017

FIF CAT Firm Designated ID Subgroup

FIF will hold its first CAT Firm Designated ID Subgoup meeting, tomorrow, Tuesday, May 23rd at 2pm EST. We would like to thank the participants, and we're excited to work with a good mix of broker-dealers, vendors and service bureaus on this important topic.

POSTED May 22,2017

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