Liquidnet Using AccessFintech for Risk Control

Access Fintech announced that Liquidnet, a global institutional trading network, is now using AccessFintech’s Business Operations Center. This platform provides the opportunity to aggregate and manage internal systems’ and external providers’ exceptions and to monitor and profile risk across asset classes. This service is designed to enable users to monitor risk in a single visual dashboard, thereby identifying any exceptions more quickly and reducing potential risk. Using AccessFintech, companies can expand on its risk management processes and offer management a top down overview of risk across the company, as well as a bottom up view for those tasked with monitoring and resolving exceptions. Risk profiling is becoming increasingly difficult for financial institutions as the trade lifecycle is spread across an increasing number of systems, from trading and clearing through to settlement. By aggregating all these systems, AccessFintech has created a central point for risk and exception monitoring for its clients. Customers of AccessFintech can set their own risk parameters and as such prioritize the management and resolution of any exceptions.

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