Goldman Sachs to Launch SIGMA X MTF in Paris

Goldman Sachs will launch its SIGMA X multilateral trading facility (MTF) in Paris to continue servicing European clients post-Brexit. Goldman Sachs said it will launch SIGMA X Europe MTF before January 4th next year and it will be available alongside its UK-based SIGMA X MTF. The Paris venue will include its dark pool and periodic auction order book. The move will allow the investment bank’s clients within the European Union to continue accessing liquidity post-Brexit. Goldman Sachs added that the SIGMA X Europe MTF will launch with European symbols across 15 markets as the UK-based venue continues to list UK and European symbols. As the Brexit transition period prepares to come to an end, the UK recently confirmed it would grant the EU equivalence in key areas such as clearing, central securities depositories, benchmark administrators, as well as derivatives, and OTC trading. The bank has also recently expanded its SIGMA X MTF product universe to include emerging markets, beginning with the Czech Republic and Hungary.

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