IPC Insights: Direct Connectivity, ESG, Libor and Strategic Priorities for Fixed Income 2022

Over the past few years, there has been a quiet transformation in Fixed Income sales and trading. Regulatory and commercial drivers have ushered in a new era of digitization and automation, which has been supported and enabled by technological developments such as cloud and AI/ML. It’s no surprise then, that respondents’ priorities for 2022, in terms of their Fixed Income desk and portfolio strategies, reflect a clear continuation and evolution of Fixed Income trends. Reducing operational costs, investing in new electronic trading platforms and other technologies, and improving the understanding and management of firm-wide counterparty exposure and risk, all point to a continuation of the journey towards digitization and electronification.

Bob Santella (CEO, IPC) discusses in this Fixed Income Leaders Summit report what are the  strategic priorities for Fixed Income in 2022. Fill out the form here to read the whole report!

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