Cboe to Expand S&P 500 Index Options Suite

Cboe Global Markets, Inc. announced the continued expansion of its S&P 500 Index (SPX) options suite with additional expirations for SPX Weeklys Tuesday and Thursday options, beginning September 19 and September 28, respectively. Total volume in SPX Tuesday and Thursday options have surpassed 44 million contracts since their launch in second-quarter 2022, reflecting strong customer interest and trading activity. The additional expirations for SPX Tuesday and Thursday options will align with the number of expirations currently available for SPX Monday and Wednesday options and meet growing customer demand for Cboe’s SPX offerings.  In addition, Cboe will introduce new Tuesday and Thursday-expiring Mini-S&P 500® Index (XSP) options beginning October 3 and October 12, respectively. With these changes, both SPX and XSP options will offer expirations every day, going out at least four weeks, enabling traders to express their views with even greater precision. 

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